New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological , biological or therapeutical activity:
Wagner, H
New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological , biological or therapeutical activity: Proceedings of the first international congress on medicinal plant research , section A , held at the University of Munich , germany september 6 - 10 , 1976 H Wagner and P Wolf - New York Springer - verlag 1977 - xii , 266p.
3540082921 0387082921
Natural products Plant drugs Therapeutical activity
615 / WAG
New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological , biological or therapeutical activity: Proceedings of the first international congress on medicinal plant research , section A , held at the University of Munich , germany september 6 - 10 , 1976 H Wagner and P Wolf - New York Springer - verlag 1977 - xii , 266p.
3540082921 0387082921
Natural products Plant drugs Therapeutical activity
615 / WAG