International Symposium on Polymer Characterization
Boni, K.A.
International Symposium on Polymer Characterization K.A. Boni - New York John Wiley 1969 - Applied polymer symposia, no. 8 . - Applied polymer symposia ; no. 8. .
"Sponsored by Columbus Laboratories, Battelle Memorial Institute."
Polymers--Congresses Rubber and rubber elasticity Technological aspects of mechanical behavior of polymers Polymeric materials for unusual service conditions Proceedings for adhesives bounded stsructure Silicon technology International symposium on polymers characterization Polymer science conference proceedings
678 / BON
International Symposium on Polymer Characterization K.A. Boni - New York John Wiley 1969 - Applied polymer symposia, no. 8 . - Applied polymer symposia ; no. 8. .
"Sponsored by Columbus Laboratories, Battelle Memorial Institute."
Polymers--Congresses Rubber and rubber elasticity Technological aspects of mechanical behavior of polymers Polymeric materials for unusual service conditions Proceedings for adhesives bounded stsructure Silicon technology International symposium on polymers characterization Polymer science conference proceedings
678 / BON