Sustainable development of fisheries and livestock for food security
Khillare, Y. K ...[] ; ed.
Sustainable development of fisheries and livestock for food security ed. by Y.K.Khillare...[] - New Delhi Narendra Publishing house 2012 - 2v.
V1. Innovations in aquaculture and animal research.
V2. Nutirition and animal health.
Fisheries - Sustainable development Fisheries - Aquaculture Fisheries - Nutrition
639.3:614.9 / KHI.1-.2
Sustainable development of fisheries and livestock for food security ed. by Y.K.Khillare...[] - New Delhi Narendra Publishing house 2012 - 2v.
V1. Innovations in aquaculture and animal research.
V2. Nutirition and animal health.
Fisheries - Sustainable development Fisheries - Aquaculture Fisheries - Nutrition
639.3:614.9 / KHI.1-.2