Propagation of microwaves in the troposphere with potential application to GPS based navigation and meteorology with emphasis on Indian region (Thesis)
Saha, Kora K
Propagation of microwaves in the troposphere with potential application to GPS based navigation and meteorology with emphasis on Indian region (Thesis) Korak Saha; guided by K. Parameswarn - Kochi Faculty of Science, CUSAT 2008 - 200p.
GPS - Global postioning system GPS - Navigation and meteorology Microwave propagation
551.501.8 T / SAH
Propagation of microwaves in the troposphere with potential application to GPS based navigation and meteorology with emphasis on Indian region (Thesis) Korak Saha; guided by K. Parameswarn - Kochi Faculty of Science, CUSAT 2008 - 200p.
GPS - Global postioning system GPS - Navigation and meteorology Microwave propagation
551.501.8 T / SAH