Laboratory handbook of paper and thin-layer chromatography /
Gasparic, Jiri
Laboratory handbook of paper and thin-layer chromatography / Jiri Gasparic - Chichester, Eng. : ELLis Horwood 1978. - 362 p. ill. ; 24 cm.
Paper chromatography--Laboratory manuals Thin layer chromatography--Laboratory manuals Chromatography-paper and thin layer
543.544(058) / GAS
Laboratory handbook of paper and thin-layer chromatography / Jiri Gasparic - Chichester, Eng. : ELLis Horwood 1978. - 362 p. ill. ; 24 cm.
Paper chromatography--Laboratory manuals Thin layer chromatography--Laboratory manuals Chromatography-paper and thin layer
543.544(058) / GAS