Intellectual Property and Access to Im/material Goods
- UK Edward Elgar 2016
- xx, 333p.
PART I. THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS ON THE IM/MATERIAL DIVIDE 1. Understanding access to thing: a knowledge commons perspective 2. Copyright and the new materialism PART II. CONCEPTUAL CHANGES AND CHALLENGES POSED BY NEW TECHNOLOGIES 3. The copy in copyright 4. A tale of two histories: the "invention" and its incentive theory 5. The nebulous "invention": from"idea and embodiment" to "idea/embodiment and observable physical effects"? PART III. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 6. Digital lending and public access to knowledge 7. Patents, human biobanks and access to health benefits: bridging the public-private divide 8. Tangible meets the intangible: international trade in intellectual property PART IV. THE IM/MATERIAL IN MUSEUMS AND ISSUES RELATING TO TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE 9. The negotiations in WIPO for international conventions on traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions 10. in/tangible heritage intellectual property and museum policy: exploring methods for respecting indigenous legal traditions. 11. Digital v analogue