The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space Activicties
- Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2017.
- vi, 249p.
978 1 78536 961 2
1. International space law and its implications for outer space activicties 1. Space activicties 2. The Definition and delimitation of outer space 3. An overview of International space law 2. International intellectual property rights instruments and their implications for outer space activicties 1. International Intellectual Property rights instruments 2. The application of intellectual property rights to space activicties
3. Patents in outer space 1. Patentability 2. Ownership 3. Joint Invention 4. The Application of copyright law to outer space activities 1. Subject matter 2. Requirements 3. Ownership 5. Intellectual property rights and private international law 1. Jurisdiction 2. Choice of law