PART I: LAW AND POLITICS 1. General themes 1.1 Introduction to the relationship between law and polotics 1.2 Sovereignty 1.3 The rule of law and the 'inner morality of law' 1.4 Rights 1.5 Identifying valid law 2. Advanced topics 2.1 Justice 2.2 Constitutionalism and Citizenship 2.3 Law, politics and Globalization 2.4 Law and the state of emergency 2.5 The rule of law in political transitions PART II: Legal Reasoning 1 General themes 1.1 Introduction to legal reasoning 1.2 Legal formalism 1.3 American Legal realism 1.4 rules,'open texture' and the limits of discretion 2. Advanced Topics 2.1 Justice, natural law and the limits of rule 2.2 Equality, difference, and domination: feminist critiques of adjudication 2.3 trials, facts and narratives PART III: LAW AND MODERNITY 1. General themes 1.1 The advent of modernity 1.2 Law and social solidarity 1.3 Law, power and exploitation 2. Advanced topics 2.1 Legal pluralism 2.2 Juridification 2.3 Displacing the juridical: Foucault on power and discipline