Subhash C Jain

Reshaping India in the New Global Context - Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. - x,183p.

This book traces the history of India's progress since its independence in 1947 and advances strategies for continuing economic growth. Insiders and outsiders that have criticized India for slow economic growth fail to recognize all it has achieved in the last seven decades, including handling the migration of over 8 million people from Pakistan, integrating over 600 princely states into the union, managing a multi-language population into one nation and resolving the food problem. The end result is a democratic country with a strong institutional foundation

9781785369001 (Hardback)

Economic development - India
India - Economic policy
Cost and standard of living - India
BUSINESS and ECONOMICS / Economics / General
Cost and standard of living
Economic development
Economic policy
India gains independence
Birth of the Republic of India
Restarting India: enhancing agriculture, infrastructure, education and innovation

330.34 / SUB